Reading an EKG


Category: Credit Type: Course: Reading an EKG

Electrocardiogram (EKG) interpretation is a fundamental skill in clinical practice, providing crucial insights into cardiac function and patient health. A comprehensive understanding of EKG reading allows healthcare professionals to detect and manage cardiac dysrhythmias effectively. This educational video will guide learners through the systematic process of EKG interpretation, emphasizing the acquisition of both subjective and objective data. By integrating knowledge of cardiac physiology with practical EKG analysis, learners will develop the competencies needed for excellent inpatient and outpatient cardiac care.

Access to this course is available until February 3, 2028.

For upfront information and other course details, click on the link above next to “Course.”

After completing this NCPD/CE activity, the participant should be better able to:

  • Recognize and describe the significance of the P, QRS, and T waves, along with the PR and QT intervals on an EKG strip.
  • Determine the heart rate and rhythm from an EKG reading and identify common patterns associated with normal and abnormal cardiac function.
Reading an EKG
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